Textile Machinery Webtalks and News

Frankfurt, 15 April 2021 – The new customer portal “Textile Machinery Newsroom” is now online on the IndustryArena platform. It provides visitors with technical and marketing relevant information in English for textile and nonwovens manufacturers.

IndustryArena as the umbrella platform of Textile Machinery Newsroom is the leading specialist portal for the manufacturing industry with more than 500,000 registered members and 3,000 providers.

The most prominent sections of “Textile Machinery Newsroom” (https://de.industryarena.com/m4t) include supplier news, a sourcing service and the webtalks section. From now on, VDMA’s successful “Textile Machinery Webtalks” series that started in summer 2020 will be published and advertised via this portal.

Companies can now participate and book future-oriented technology webinars either alone, in pairs or in the tried and tested three-part format. All VDMA members (not only companies supported by the Textile Machinery Association), textile research institutes in the EU and EFTA as well as textile and nonwovens manufacturers (customers) with whom VDMA member companies realised a joint project, for example, are entitled to participate.

Next technology webtalks already scheduled
The next two webtalks are already scheduled. The focus will be

21 April 2021, 10.00 am – 11.30 am (CEST)
Design for Recycling – a major step on the road to sustainability

Lightweight Technologies are important enabling technologies for resource efficient and thus sustainable products. Fibre based composites are one of the most efficient ways to contribute to sustainable processes and products. Based on the use of recycled composite waste the presentations will describe ways for efficient use of composite waste and successful approaches to design products which meet the requirement of circular economy. A special focus is placed on the role of artificial intelligence in reaching this goal.

Our speakers and experts are:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schlichter, ITA Augsburg: Design for Recycling – using artificial intelligence for sustainable lightweight solutions.

Jochen Schmidt, KARL MAYER Technische Textilien: Sustainable products produced on KARL MAYER machines.

Martin Würtele, KraussMaffei Technologies: Sustainable composite technologies made by Krauss Maffei Technologies.

Further information and free registration HERE.

28 April 2021, 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm (CEST)
Digitalization in textile finishing – integration of energy and maintenance management

The speakers and their topics at a glance:
Ralf Stange, Thies: Digitalization in textile finishing – integration of energy and maintenance management.

Axel Pieper, Brückner: Digitalization, energy and maintenance management for dry finishing machines.

Jürgen Jerzembeck, Setex: Manufacturing Management System view on integrated energy and maintenance management in textile finishing.

Further information and free registration HERE.

After the presentations, the experts will be available to answer the participants’ questions.


Best regards
Nicolai Strauch

VDMA e. V.
Lyoner Straße 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main

Phone +49 69 6603-1366
Fax +49 69 6603-2366
E-Mail nicolai.strauch@vdma.org
Internet vdma.org | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Data protection


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Executive Director: Thilo Brodtmann

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